Previous: Scene Transition, Up: Interaction.Output [Contents][Index]
This component sends messages to all objects of a given tag. Can activate automatically, or based on other message senders with ’Broadcast’. To use, add at least one Message to the ’Messages’ list above, and tag all target objects with an appropriate tag. Then, add that ’Target Tag’ in the appropriate field above.
Since the Message list won’t likely show what you want when you click ’Refresh Messages’ just lock each message and type it in manually. You can find the available messages listed at the bottom of each MultiGame component. For non-MultiGame components, you can find messages by opening their source code. And function (even private ones!) with either no argument, or a single bool, int, float, or string argument may be used as a Message. Just make sure to type in the name exactly with no typos, and that it’s capitalized correctly (Messages are case-sensitive!)
messagesList of messages we will send
Default value: new List<MessageManager.ManagedMessage>()
targetTagTag associated with objects we want to talk to
Default value: ""
onStartShould we auto-broadcast when we are created?
Default value: false
onUpdateShould we auto-broadcast every single frame? May impact performance, use with discretion!
Default value: false
Send the ’Messages’ to all objects in the scene with ’Target Tag’
messagesList of messages we will send
Default value: new List<MessageManager.ManagedMessage>()
targetTagTag associated with objects we want to talk to
Default value: ""
onStartShould we auto-broadcast when we are created?
Default value: false
onUpdateShould we auto-broadcast every single frame? May impact performance, use with discretion!
Default value: false
Send the ’Messages’ to all objects in the scene with ’Target Tag’
Previous: Scene Transition, Up: Interaction.Output [Contents][Index]