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This generic Health implementation is fully compatible with all MultiGame systems and forms the basis for combat and death in your game worlds. It receives the ’ModifyHealth’ message with a floating point value. Make anything killable!
maxHPHow much health can we have?
Default value: 100.0f
autodestructDo we destroy the object when health runs out?
Default value: true
deathPrefabsWhat should we spawn when we die from HP loss?
uIhealthBarIf using the Unity UI, create a scroll bar for the health and drop a reference to it here. The handle of the scrollbar is resized to show the health amount.
showHealthBarGUIShould we show a legacy Unity GUI? NOTE: Not suitable for mobile devices.
Default value: false
guiSkinWhat skin should we use for the Legacy GUI
healthBarNormalized viewport rectangle describing the area of the health bar, values between 0 and 1
Default value: new Rect(.2f, .01f, .4f, .085f)
autoHideShould we hide the health bar when health is full?
Default value: true
barColorShould we color this bar to differentiate it from others?
Default value: Color.white
healthGoneMessageWhen we run out of health, what message should we send?
hitMessageWhen we are hit, what message should we send?
Kill this object immediately!
Change the health this object has
Argument: Amount to change the health by. Positive to increase, negative to decrease.
Change the maximum health this object can have
Argument: Amount to change the max health by. Positive to increase, negative to decrease.
maxHPHow much health can we have?
Default value: 100.0f
autodestructDo we destroy the object when health runs out?
Default value: true
deathPrefabsWhat should we spawn when we die from HP loss?
uIhealthBarIf using the Unity UI, create a scroll bar for the health and drop a reference to it here. The handle of the scrollbar is resized to show the health amount.
showHealthBarGUIShould we show a legacy Unity GUI? NOTE: Not suitable for mobile devices.
Default value: false
guiSkinWhat skin should we use for the Legacy GUI
healthBarNormalized viewport rectangle describing the area of the health bar, values between 0 and 1
Default value: new Rect(.2f, .01f, .4f, .085f)
autoHideShould we hide the health bar when health is full?
Default value: true
barColorShould we color this bar to differentiate it from others?
Default value: Color.white
healthGoneMessageWhen we run out of health, what message should we send?
hitMessageWhen we are hit, what message should we send?
Kill this object immediately!
Change the health this object has
Argument: Amount to change the health by. Positive to increase, negative to decrease.
Change the maximum health this object can have
Argument: Amount to change the max health by. Positive to increase, negative to decrease.
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