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This component implements RTS-style camera motion and object deployment. Legacy GUI is not recommended for mobile. To use, add this to your MainCamera (which must be tagged ’MainCamera’) and then set up a list of deployable objects. This works with the ’ResourceManager’ component (optionally) to allow for a resource-based experience.
There is a more in-depth manual ’MouseCommanderDoc.rtf’ found in the MultiGame/Scripts/Interaction/RTS folder in your project, explaining the system in more detail than can fit in this text box.
deployMaskWhat objects can we deploy on, by collision mask?
selectableTagsWhat objects can be selected using banding boxes?
Default value: new List<string>()
boxSelectIf enabled, we will draw a box on screen when the user clicks and drags the mouse, and select anything inside that box tagged with one of the ’SelectableTags’
Default value: true
selectableAreaWhat area of the screen is available for selection? Clicks outside of this area are ignored. This is represented as a ’Normalized Viewport Rectangle’, where each value indicates a percentage of screen space represented as a decimal value between 0 and 1.
Default value: new Rect(0,0,1,1)
useGUIShould we use Unity’s legacy GUI for this? Not suitable for mobile devices
Default value: true
layoutWhich direction should the buttons be drawn in?
Default value: Layouts.Horizontal
guiAreaNormalized viewport rectangle indicating where we should draw the buttons. Numbers indicate a percentage of screen space from 0 to 1
Default value: new Rect(0.01f, 0.88f, .98f, .11f)
controlPositionShould we control the position of this object using a rigidbody? Useful for command cameras
Default value: true
deadZoneStick dead zone, for control smoothing
Default value: 0.25f
forceMovement force to apply
Default value: 1000.0f
ySpeedHow fast does the scroll wheel move us?
Default value: 20.0f
continuationModifierWhat key, if any, can the player hold down to keep deploying more of the same thing?
Default value: KeyCode.LeftShift
radiusSearchTagTag of objects we can’t deploy close to
Default value: ""
deploysWhat objects can the player buy?
insufficientResourceMessageSent when we can’t afford something
itemSelectedMessageSent when we can afford a selection
itemTooCloseMessageSent when we failed to deploy something due to radius restriction
debugSend useful information to the console
Default value: false
Activate deployment for a ’Deployable’
Argument: Index indicating which of the ’Deploys’ you wish to allow the player to place ’
Deploys the designated object immediately at the mouse position
Argument: The index of the Deployable you wish to deploy.
Allows banding box selection by clicking and dragging.
Disables banding box selection across the entire screen.
Opens/closes the build GUI
Opens the build GUI
Closes the build GUI
deployMaskWhat objects can we deploy on, by collision mask?
selectableTagsWhat objects can be selected using banding boxes?
Default value: new List<string>()
boxSelectIf enabled, we will draw a box on screen when the user clicks and drags the mouse, and select anything inside that box tagged with one of the ’SelectableTags’
Default value: true
selectableAreaWhat area of the screen is available for selection? Clicks outside of this area are ignored. This is represented as a ’Normalized Viewport Rectangle’, where each value indicates a percentage of screen space represented as a decimal value between 0 and 1.
Default value: new Rect(0,0,1,1)
useGUIShould we use Unity’s legacy GUI for this? Not suitable for mobile devices
Default value: true
layoutWhich direction should the buttons be drawn in?
Default value: Layouts.Horizontal
guiAreaNormalized viewport rectangle indicating where we should draw the buttons. Numbers indicate a percentage of screen space from 0 to 1
Default value: new Rect(0.01f, 0.88f, .98f, .11f)
controlPositionShould we control the position of this object using a rigidbody? Useful for command cameras
Default value: true
deadZoneStick dead zone, for control smoothing
Default value: 0.25f
forceMovement force to apply
Default value: 1000.0f
ySpeedHow fast does the scroll wheel move us?
Default value: 20.0f
continuationModifierWhat key, if any, can the player hold down to keep deploying more of the same thing?
Default value: KeyCode.LeftShift
radiusSearchTagTag of objects we can’t deploy close to
Default value: ""
deploysWhat objects can the player buy?
insufficientResourceMessageSent when we can’t afford something
itemSelectedMessageSent when we can afford a selection
itemTooCloseMessageSent when we failed to deploy something due to radius restriction
debugSend useful information to the console
Default value: false
Activate deployment for a ’Deployable’
Argument: Index indicating which of the ’Deploys’ you wish to allow the player to place ’
Deploys the designated object immediately at the mouse position
Argument: The index of the Deployable you wish to deploy.
Allows banding box selection by clicking and dragging.
Disables banding box selection across the entire screen.
Opens/closes the build GUI
Opens the build GUI
Closes the build GUI
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